
The 7th day of the 7th month (double seven) in the lunar calendar, which often comes in August of the solar calendar, is called Qixi Festival in China since 2000 years ago. This festival is nowadays well-known as the Chinese Valentine’s Day. It celebrates a folktale of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd. This tale is referred to in the Tanabata festival in Japan, and in the Chilseok festival in Korea.

Can long distance relationship last long? Will you still love me after a long time with a long distance between you and me? In the science fiction The Three-Body Problem, it is said that long distance between to planets results in communication difficulties, which leads to a suspicion chain.

A Chinese poet wrote the folktale of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd into a poem 1000 years ago, which was translated by Xu Yuanchong into English:

Clouds float like works of art. 纤云弄巧

Stars shoot with grief at heart. 飞星传恨

Across the Milky Way the Cowherd meets the Maid. 银汉迢迢暗度

When Autumn’s Golden wind embraces Dew of Jades. 金风玉露一相逢

All the love scenes on earth, however many, fade. 便胜却人间无数

Their tender love flows like a stream. 柔情似水

This happy date seems but a dream. 佳期如梦

Can they bear a separate homeward way? 忍顾鹊桥归路

If love between both sides can last for aye. 两情若是久长时

Why need they stay together night and day? 又岂在朝朝暮暮





The longest distance is that between life and death. Ghost: Mouichido Dakishimetai is a Japanese file, remade from the classic movie Ghost. A friend of mine, Yang Liu, translated the theme song into Chinese. I edited the guitar chords and sang it with my guitar. Here is the video. At the end of this post, there is the lyrics and the guitar chords.


两地恋情,最要紧的是信任;一生所爱,最远的距离不是牵牛织女星,而是生与死。早年的电影《人鬼情未了》,感动了一代人。这部电影近年来被日本翻拍,其中的主题歌《アイシテル》曾让当时在法国留学的 yangliufr 同学夜不能寐,起身为这首歌填上了中文歌词。这让我想起了我年轻的时候,也曾经是会为一首歌激动的。网上可以找到这首歌的和弦谱,但是过于繁琐,我做了一些简化。






原调 1=D 选调 1=C

[C]我~牵着你的[F]手 陪伴你左[E7]右 一路往前[Am7]走

[Dm7]年轻的旅[E7]行 过往的风[Am7]景 只有[F]你的身影[G]住在我心


[C]雪~下了会融[F]化 纯洁又无[E7]暇 笑颜如桃[Am7]花

[Dm7]冬去春又[E7]来 芬芳入我[Am7]怀 就用[F]你的体温[G]温暖我心

[E7]过去曾经 [Am7]每天都黏[E7]在一起 形[Dm7]影不离[C]   


我们现在[Dm7]却分居两[G]地 多想一下[Cm7]把你抱怀里

你我都在[Dm7]努力 一齐[E7]见证奇[Am7]迹[A7]

遇见你是[Dm7]我一生福[G]气 一路走来[Cm7]一辈子相依

你我都要[Dm7]珍惜 一切[E7]来之不[Am7]易[A7]

心往远方[Dm7]飞~去 [E7]找寻未来的[Am7]幸福[G]和甜[F]蜜



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