Advection experiment at Fendt. Photo by Peng Zhao. 😄



The TERENO (TERrestrial ENvironmental Observatories) network is a large-scale integrative observation program designed to determine the long-term ecological and climatic impact of global environmental change at regional scales.

The TERENO—preAlpine observatory in mountainous terrain of Bavaria, Germany, includes three core grassland sites at different elevations (600, 750 and 860 m a.s.l), at which surface exchange fluxes are observed by eddy-covariance, lysimeters and chamber system clusters. The site arrangement represents a climatic gradient. Specific to the Fendt site is the addition of a hydro-meteorological observation network.

ScaleX was initiated by KIT IMK-IFU under direction of HaPe Schmid. Benjamin Wolf coordinated ScaleX until Feb 2016.